Michael Nield. Writer-Filmmaker. Sydney, Australia

I was introduced to Clifford in 2006 by a treasured Mentor, actor and playwright Bille Brown, as one who can be trusted. He quickly became and has remained a crucial voice to be consulted on every project. (Aside from also being a dear friend).

We’ve now worked on several projects together, and Clifford has worn many hats. It is difficult to name accurately just what it is that makes Clifford – crucial.

But in an attempt to summarise: Clifford is the firm hand of experience. While also being the strong shoulder to lean on, and cry on or even weep on. The soft knock at the door with a cup of tea and an open heart, ready to listen – and no, ‘the sky hasn’t fallen’. He also has a good-natured or brilliantly insightful suggestion as to ‘where next’ or ‘what next.’ And of course, ‘the best idea wins’. Then, over the next cup of tea, or during the next train delay, he’ll likely laugh and smile as his encouragement has led to your next brilliant idea.

His goal achieved: Your Best.

His process: the Gifted Listener who is One Who Can Be Trusted.


    Email: clifford@clemencyfilms.com

    Phone Number: +44 (0) 7884 057998

    Representation: Luc Chaudhary | Director-Agent | International Artists Management

    Email: luc@internationalartistsmanagement.co.uk

    Phone Number: + 44 (0)207 794 3705